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☆E級創作小書比賽 優等作品☆崇德 分校,Kitty,李明潔

The Adventure of Mouse Hannah

Hannah is a mouse. One day, Hannah wanted to have a trip, so she busily packed for her trip. She would go to Japan by boat next week.

However, she met a storm. The storm made the boat broken So, Hannah had to grab a piece of wood to survive.

Luckily, she float to a small island. This place looked very beautiful, but Hannah still wanted to know where she was.

Hannah looked for her cellphone because her cellphone had GPS. However, her cellphone was broken. She couldn’t use it.

She felt sad, but she didn’t want to throw it away. She shouted “Help! Help!”, but nobody answered.

Suddenly, a toast man appeared. He said, “Come with me!” At first, Hannah didn’t believe him. But the toast man looked very friendly, so she followed him to a village.

The people there said to Hannah “Welcome to Food Village!” The toast people there gave Hannah a lot of food to eat.

After she ate it, she wanted to sleep. They put on a toast bed. While Hannah was sleeping, they started to cook soup.

Hannah smelled the soup, and she woke up. Suddenly, she heard two people say, “I am looking forward to eat her!”

Hannah was scared, so she wanted to escaped from the village. However, the toast bed caught her, so that she couldn’t go. She tried to say “Help me!” but a toast man took a knife and say, “You look so delicious. Let us eat you!”

Suddenly, Hannah woke up. There weren’t any food people anymore. Hannah, said “Yeah! It was just a dream. I am still alive!”

學校名稱:崇德 分校
學生姓名:Kitty M.C. Li(李明潔)
指導老師:Bernadette 林怡玲
得獎殊榮:E級創作小書比賽〝優等〞獎項 分校

