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☆E級創作小書比賽 優等作品☆凱兒 分校,Sandy,黃昱瑄

An Arrogant Eagle

Once upon a time, there was a very big and arrogant eagle. He thought, “No thing else in the world is as big as I am! I am the greatest one in the world!”

One morning, a little bird met him in the meadow. The bird told him, “Mr. Eagle, how are you?” The eagle stretched up his head, took a look and said, “You must be a skinny worm.” “No, I’m not. I am a bird. I am a dozen times bigger than a skinny worm.”

The eagle said, “But in my eyes, you are almost as big as a worm.” The eagle said arrogantly. Then, the bird flew sadly away.

Once, a big brown dog met the eagle under a tree. He wagged his tail and said, “Mr. Eagle, how are you?”

The eagle lifted up his head and said, “Are you a little mouse?” “No way! I’m a big brown dog!” The dog answered angrily.

“But I do think you are just as big as a mouse.” The eagle said arrogartly So the dog left gloomity.

A striped cat passed over. He said politely, “Mr. Eagle, how are you?” AS arrogant as before, he said to the cat, “Are you a bee?”

The cat did not understand how the eagle could mistake him for a bee! He asked in confusion, “Mr. Eagle. Are you blind? Can’t you tell that I’m a cat?”

“But I think you are only as big as a bee. Let me tell you, in my eyes, nothing else in the world is so called great.” The cat believed Mr. Eagle was proud and arrogant.

The cat said, Mr. Eagle! Don’t be so proud. So many things in the world are greater than you.

For example, the elephant’s body is several times bigger than you and the giraffe’s neck is much longer than yours.

Mr. Eagle thought the cat was lying. So he did not take his word seriously.

Right at this moment, a horse rapidly ran towards their direction. The cat dodged away at once and yelled nervously, “Step out of the way. Here comes a galloping horse.

The eagle stood at the same place and said carelessly, “It’s nothing but a little lamb.”

Without finishing his word, the eagle was run over by the seeding horse and died suddenly.

學校名稱:凱兒 分校
學生姓名:Sandy Y.H. Huang(黃昱瑄)
指導老師:Ingrid 張瑛芬
得獎殊榮:E級創作小書比賽〝優等〞獎項 分校

