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☆E級創作小書比賽 優等作品☆塩行 分校,Ching Tse Pao,鮑清澤

Two Hungry Dinosaurs
Out in the desert, were two dinosaurs. One named Joe and the other, Ben.

They had lunch at 12:00 everyday. One day, Joe and Ben went to hunt for food but there was no food or water.

They had been walking in the desert for three days. Joe asked Ben, “When can we take a rest?” “When we find food then we can rest.” Ben said.

They were about to stop, but saw something zoom in front of them. Ben shouted, “Wait! It’s a pig!” “Really! What is a pig doing in the desert?” Joe said.

“It must be a gift from God!” Ben shouted happily. “What a gift! Stop pig, don’t run!” they shouted. The pig ran very fast.

While they were chasing the pig, a goose passed by. They didn’t stop for it but continued chasing the pig.

“Look! Two ducks! We can each have one.” Joe yelled.

“No, Pork tastes better the duck.” said Ben.

“When I get the pig , don’t ask me to share with you!” said Ben angrily.

So, they gave up and contiued chasing the pig. “Can I go back and eat the goose and the ducks? I’m so hungry and thirsty.” Said Joe.

Joe left to hunt for the ducks.

Suddenly, the pig fell off the cliff and disappeared.

“No, my food.” Cried Ben.

After running for 4 hours, Ben died with an empty stomach.

As for Joe, he is having a nice dream with a full stomach.

學校名稱:塩行 分校
學生姓名:Ching Tse Pao(鮑清澤)
指導老師:Su, Yun Yun 蘇畇勻

