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☆E級創作小書比賽 優等作品☆大雅 分校,Roy,孟繁倫

Rola’s Dream

Rola was very tired, so she went to bed very early. She had a dream.

In her dream, she was in a snack world. In this world, everything is made of snacks. She saw pudding mountains, a chocolate river, a cookie bridge and lollipop flowers.

Though she didn’t know what this place was, she didn’t feel scared. Suddenly, she saw something moving on the ground.

She picked it up and it said, “Hey! Who is pulling my ear?” It was a cute rabbit and it could talk! Rola asked, “Do you know how to get out of this place?” “I don’t know, but maybe my friends know!”

His friends showed up. The rabbit said, “Let’s help this girl.” Then, they made a plan.

They used cookies and gummy bears to make a boat.

They also gave her strawberry bread, cotten candy pizza for food. “Thanks, I will never forget you.” Rola sat on the boat and floated on the chocolate rivet.

The boat went smoothly on the river. Suddenly, she saw a big waterfall.

She rowed and rowed and she still couldn’t stop the boat from falling off the cliff.

Finally, She woke up and it was just a dream.

The next day, she told her friends about her dream.

The End

學校名稱:塩行 分校
學生姓名:Roy F.L. Meng(孟繁倫)
指導老師:Emily C.H. Chang 張家慧

