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☆E級創作小書比賽 優等作品☆大新 分校,Jim,陳宥均

Five Beans

May and Austin find five beans. They want to give them a new home in the yard. Austin digs a hole and May plants the beans.

“What do they want to drink?” Austin asks. “Hmm, I like juice. Maybe they like juice, too!” May says. So they water the beans with juice.

The beans are not growing “They do not like juice, either.” May looks sad.

“Let’s try Coke, it is my favorite drink.” Maybe they like it.” So Austin gives the beans some Coke.

“Nothing’s happening, Austin!” May says. “Maybe they do not like Coke.”

“Not juice, not Coke. How about milk? We always drink milk for breakfast!” “Let’s try milk!”

The next day, the beans are still not growing up. Now a worm comes because of the bad smell.

“Oh, no, Austin! Your idea is not working!” May says. “I am sorry. But what do they really want?”

It is a rainy day. May and Austin are staying inside. They watch their beans frow the window.

Finally, the rain stops and the sun comes out. May and Austin run out to their yard.

“May, look! Five little sprouts!” Austin shouts. “Oh, yeah! Our beans are growing up!”

“They like rainwater.” “Oh, I see! They don’t want anything but they like water!”

The End

學校名稱:大新 分校
學生姓名:Jim Y.C. Chen(陳宥均)
指導老師:Eden 羅筑尹
得獎殊榮:E級創作小書比賽〝優等〞獎項 分校

