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☆E級創作小書比賽 優等作品☆清水 分校,Tina,蔡昀庭

Three little Wolves and a BIG Wicked pig

Long time ago, there was a big wicked pig called Sam. Sam likes to eat little wolves and used the fire to destroy their houses.

There were tree little wolves lived in the “Lucky Forest”.

One day, they were playing hide and seek. Sundenly, they saw Sam walking around the forest.

The three wolves hide in the trees without a sound.

Sams eyes were good. He saw the three little wolves hiding in the trees.

Sam took out his lighter and caught the tree on fire. He laughed out loud and said “I will go and get some water. Later, I can eat these wolves. Ha! Ha! Ha!” Sam went away. The wolves felt hot in the buring trees. They were scared.

The small wolf took out his magic pencil and drew a pot of water. The fire disappeared and the three wovles ran out of the forest.

They wanted to kill that wicked. The small wolf took out his magic pencil again and drew a poisoned apple on the ground. They laughed and ran away.

The wicked pig came back but he didn’t see any wolves. He was very angry.

Sundenly he saw an apple on the ground, but he didn’t know it was poisoned. Sam opened his big mouth and ate the poisoned apple.

Soon, he felt very uncomfortable. He shouted out “Those three wolves are more wicked than me! I won’t forgive them and next time I’ll destroy them. Unfortunately, Sam died because of the poisoned apple.

Every animal in the Lucky Forest lived happily ever after.

學校名稱:清水 分校
學生姓名:Tina Y.T. Cai(蔡昀庭)
指導老師:Joy 蕭佩怡
得獎殊榮:E級創作小書比賽〝優等〞獎項 分校

