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☆F級創作小書比賽 優等作品☆彰化中央 分校,Cindy,張瑜庭

Oliver the Dolphin

Once there was a brilliant blue dolphin named Oliver. He was good at playing tricks, on matter doing somersaults in the water or jumping high from the ocean.

One day, Oliver was captured and sold to an aquarium. “Help! Help!” he cried, but nobody saved him. He thought, “Human are bad. I won’t believe them anymore!”

In the aquarium, there was a nice coach who was good at taking care of animals.

As the coach saw Oliver, he decided to train Oliver into the superstar of the aquarium.

Yet it’s hard to have Oliver follow the rules. When the coach threw a ball to Oliver,

Oliver hit it back with its powerful tail. “Bang!” The ball hit the coach’s head. “Ha! Ha! What a stupid man he is!” Oliver laughed happily.

Once the coach tried to stand on Oliver’s back,

yet Oiver swam straight down to the pool and stayed there. He tried to drown the coach.

One day, the aquarium was on fire. “Help! Help!” he cried. As Oliver almost gave up, he heard a soft voice…

It was the nice coach! He came back to save Oliver! “Well, at least not every human is bad.” Oliver thought.

Soon the aquarium was rebuilt. Oliver made an excellent performance on that day. Everyone cheered and admired that he was the most brilliant superstar.

At last, Oliver felt terrific because he could make people happy as how he did now.

The End

學校名稱:彰化中央 分校
學生姓名:Cindy Y.T. Chang(張瑜庭)
指導老師:Carina 劉莉萍

