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☆F級創作小書比賽 優等作品☆大雅 分校,Barbie,許安妤


Once upon a time, there was a landowner who was very rich. He had three sons, Allen, Oliver and Brian. Allen and Oliver were lazy and dishonest, but Brian was kindhearted.

Their father was very ill, so one day, their father told them, “If you can find a tree which has jade leaves, golden fruits and ruby branches, I can be cured.”

Then, he gave them some money to find the tree. Brian tried hard to search for the tree, but his brothers did nothing. Then he came to a forest.

He saw a beautiful girl. Brian asked her, “Have you seen this tree? It has jade leaves, golden fruits and ruby branches. It can cure my father.”

“Yes!” Said the girl. “I am the fairy of the tree. I have two sisters. If we dance together, we will become the magical tree.” The fairy promised to help him.

After that, Brian met her sisters, then they went home with him. After he got home, he told his brothers that he had found the tree.

However, Brian didn’t know that his brothers had their own plan. When Brian fell asleep, his brothers locked him up.

The next day, they brought the fairies to their father and told him that they had found the tree.

When the fairies heard that, they were very angry. Then they stamped their feet together. Suddenly, Allen and Oliver became pigs and ran away.

The fairies told Brian’s father everything and then they danced together. All of a sudden, a magical tree appeared. It looked like a rainbow.

Then, Brian’s father was wrapped in the rainbow.

When it disappeared, the old landowner became healthy.

Then, the fairies flew away. Brian’s father gave all his fortune to Brian.


學校名稱:大雅 分校
學生姓名:Barbie A.Y. Hsu(許安妤)
指導老師:Sunny Y.H. Ting 丁豔紅

