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☆F級創作小書比賽 優等作品☆大雅 分校,Zoe,林思妤

A Dream of Angels

There was a little girl named Anna. She loved angels very much. She always dreamed that she could be an angel one day.

One night, Anna had a dream. In her dream, she went over the rainbow. There were houses made of candies and paths made of cookies.

Anna was curious, so she walked on the path. Along the way, she saw many trees which had fruits.

Anna was so hungry that she picked an apple. As she ate the apple, she suddenly became a bird.

Anna waved her wings and flew to a castle. There were many angels living there. The angels danced and sang happily in a circle.

Anna wanted to dance with them, but she couldn’t. It was because she was a bird. She became very sad.

All of a sudden, Anna saw a hunter. She felt very scared and she wanted to fly away.

When the hunter took out his gun and pointed it at Anna, she was saved by the angel.

The angels took Anna back to the castle. Luckily, the angels could speak to animals.

Therefore, Anna asked them for help. The angels gave her a glass of medicine.

After Anna took the medicine, she became an angel. She was happy to be an angel, so she danced happily with the angels.

“Anna, Anna.” Anna heard someone calling her name.

“Wake up. you’re almost late for school,” her mother said. Anna woke up and rubbed her eyes. “It’s not real. It is just a dream,” Anna said to herself.

學校名稱:大雅 分校
學生姓名:Zoe S.Y. Lin(林思妤)
指導老師:Sally Y.Y. Lin 林育瑤

