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☆F級創作小書比賽 優等作品☆東勢 分校,Hank,劉君翰

Scary Christmas

Last year at Christmas, when Santa claus was watching the news on TV, a message appeared on the screen saying “Emergency!” “While a mail carrier was going to Santa Claus’s house, he dissappered in some high mountains and on one can find him” a news reporter said.

Santa Claus was relaxing by the fire when he heard the report. He jumped out of his chair and shouted “Oh on!” “That mail carrier has letters for me from children all around the world. I need those letters or there will be on Christmas!”

Santa quickly ran out to tell his best friend, a friendly reindeer called “Lucky”

Santa and Lucky went searching for three days and three rights. Finally they found a high mountain that had a haunted house on top. The house looked like a big castle, it was so spooky! “Santa, do you think the mail carrier is in there?” said Lucky. “Well, let’s go in and see! ” replied Santa.

When they went in, they found a bag in the garden, it was a mail bag. They knew that is the mail carriers.

There were some letters scattered from children to Santa Claus all over the garden. They decided to go inside the haunted house.

When they went in, the door slammed behind them, “BANG”

A mob of zombies appeared. They screeched, “Revenge.”

But Lucky the reindeer was a Tai-Kawn-Do expert and killed them all so they were saved.

They went up to the second floor, they were surrounded by the Zombies again, so they hid under a toble, Then they saw a key, and used the key to open a secret door. The mail carrier was inside, Santa Claus and the reindeer saved the mail carrier. They were so brave.

Every one felt happy, and they could prepare all the toys on time for christmas. They went back to Santa Claus’s house and they had a party in his house and they had a happy and exciting Christmas.

學校名稱:東勢 分校
學生姓名:Hank C.H. Liu(劉君翰)

