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☆F級創作小書比賽 優等作品☆屏東自由 分校,Pauline,盧心屏


I am a raindrop, I live on a cloud with my family, a very big family. One day, the cloud got too heavy, and I fell down to the earth with my sisters and brothers.

While I was falling down, the girl, Cathy, was walking to the school, with her red umbrella. I fell on the umbrella, then I sild down from the umbrella and fell into a little puddle on the street.

After that, a white dog ran and step into the puddle. I was splashed to a leaf of a flowers.

Then, when the rain stopped, the sun came out. The sun heat me and brought me into the air. I had turned into a water vapor. Then, the wind took me to fly higher to the sky.

I met other water vapor friends, they were friendly. We got together, and became a big cloud which looked like a Teddy bear.

When the cloud got too heavy, I became a raindrop, and fell back to the earth again. Then, I became water vapor and cloud soon.

This time I became a snowflake, I fell on the tree, and there was a girl sit under the tree. She was drawing the snow and the tree.

Then I slid to the ground. Three children ran outside from their house, I saw Cathy is there too.

They picked me up and made me into a snowball.

The children made a lot of snowball and made a snowman.

When the sun came out, the snowman started to melt. I became water again, then rose up into the air as water vapor.

I met my family, the raindrop, in the cloud and kept on my journey.

學校名稱:屏東自由 分校
學生姓名:Pauline H.P. Lu(盧心屏)
指導老師:Emily 韋靜怡

